Old Stone

  • Johnny Ma
  • People's Republic of China, Canada
  • 2016
  • 80'
  • Lao Shi

A horrifying story about social apathy and a dehumanizing legislative system, based on a series of real life cases from the crime pages of Chinese newspapers. Lao Shi is a taxi driver in an overpopulated Chinese town, who is barely making ends meet. One night, he causes an accident, hitting a motorcyclist. The ambulance is taking forever, the crowds are recording with their phones, but no one is eager to help. Breaking an unspoken protocol, Lao takes matters in his own hands and drives the victim to the hospital. Thus begins his sudden fall into the merciless grip of the bureaucratic system which perceives humanity and solidarity as faults, not virtues.

Johnny Ma

Born in Shangai, raised in Canada, and educated at the Columbia University in New York. He is the author of a series of award-winning short films: A Grand Canal (2014), Dec 32 (2012), O Genio de Quintino (2011). Old Stone was voted Best Feature Debut at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival.

Old Stone

Johnny Ma
Johnny Ma
Maktub Films
Chen Gang, Nai An, Wang Hongwei, Zhang Zebin, Luo Xue'er
Ming Kai Leung
Mike Long
Wu Xianjian, Chi-an Lin
Festivals & Awards
Toronto International Film Festival 2016; Berlin International Film Fetsival 2016

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